I have one word for you Colin: therapy.  Unlike many here, I am not afraid
of you and your brutish tactics don't scare me. It is amazing that someone
who constantly posts about the abuse they have endured has no problem
abusing others.   I have seen you dissect multiple posts over the time I
have been here, twist words and meanings to suit you as to somehow make
yourself sound knowledgeable and wise, name call at random, and post
incessantly as to what you think is right and wrong. Your obvious rancor
with Laurent boils down to one thing; he disagrees with you.  Yes, being
called racist pisses me off, to use your eloquent words, as does the fact
that you think you have the right to tell others here what to think and to
post. The difference between you and me is that I do not hide behind a self
made persona of sweetness and light and do not claim to be perfect, in any
way. The fact is that political posts were made and then you made it
personal with your name calling, and then have to audacity to infer that
Mack should not be angry about it.   In the future I will remember to try to
apply illogic (to understand them) to your posts before I dissect them and
post why you should not have said what you did.  The many lurkers who hide
from you may continue to do so but I will not.


the racist texan

am fed up with this business already as you know you misconstrued what I
said but don't have the class to admit it.  The JMDL is not your personal
playground I know you think the JMDL is Colin's land and that you can say
and do whatever you wish I usually just sit back and allow you to do it but
in the future you can bet that the sam

 and though I do hold
> the Israelis responsible for not doing all they can do to help find peace,
> agree with you that most of the fault lies with the Arabs.  You are right,
> they don't want peace.  They simply want Israel exterminated.  Don't fear
> that all believe what they read or heard  for I have no illusions as to
> motives of the Arabs.  I consider them evil and as politically incorrect
> that might be, it is the conclusion that I have come to and I make no
> apologies for it.  I find comparing Sharon to a Nazi war criminal absurd
> wonder just how pacifist we would be if our borders and lives were faced
> with the constant onslaught, such as that Israel is bombarded with daily.
> would surmise that the U.S., Britain, and most other countries would have
> already brought out the heavy fireworks.  I give Israel a great amount of
> credit for the restraint that they do show.
> mack
> my apologies. there must be another Mack here who wrote the above. I can
> undertsand one Mack getting pissed off at having words attributed to him
> the other Mack wrote.
> Perhaps Mack 1 and Mack2 would be better sigs, then we can distiguish
> the two.
> Or is it a case of just assuming that either of them don't mean what they
> write? It would save a lot of hassle.

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