I just wrote to two people OFF list last night and told them I would NOT get 
pulled in..... BUT.........

Very good post Susan!!  And for the most part....RIGHT ON, with much of what 
you wrote.  Very hard to do what you did, write with so much passion,with 
out name calling and *offending* anyone.  I would disagree with your views 
on Sharon, though.  I think he has used restraint....he could have just 
bombed the hell of that refuge camp instead of sending his foot troops in.  
Sending those foot troops is much more riskier.....than just shooting from 
the air.
(at least you did not defend me)

Laurent and his beloved France:

If you are a Jew it is not the safest places to be right now.  Actually,the 
whole of Europe.  (In Berlin,Jews for reasons of safety, were cautioned 
about wearing outwardly religious symbols)  Europe could deal with the 
passive Jew...but the taking up of arms Jew they cannot.  
Also.....Neo-Nazi's joining ranks with fascists....extreme right-wingers in 
the mix too.....THE LUNATIC FRINGES......what is so scary is these groups 
hated each other in the past.....but they are uniting.....the glue that is 
making them come together is their common hatred of the Jews!  I feel so 
sorry for the JEWS!!......Laurent is right: a lot of people what them wiped 
from the face of the earth.  I believe this to my very core.  When people 
hate another people....just because.....there is no peaceful solution.  With 
unspeakable EVIL......there are no negotiations.

A few disagreements with your post...

>The Middle East inability to deal with eachother is causing violence world 
>wide.  During the
>Clinton administration, one year ago September 2000, Palestine and Israel 
>were the closest they
>have ever been to a solution.  Since Sharon has come to power the entire 
>process has taken leaps

It is Arafat who walked out.  Arafat almost signed but he didn't,he walked.  
Now in hindsight.. he regrets not signing.  Why not sign it now then... IF 
he truly regrets not signing it two years ago.

>most Israeli children would gladly befriend Palestinian children.  To label 
>all Arabs as
>evil, is disgusting and simplistic. To cut our support to Israel would be 
>I do believe that the Palestinians deserve a homeland, but certainly not at 
>the cost of selling
>out Israel.

But is the opposite true?  Palestinian children on the other hand....well 
let's just say, there is not too much teaching of....LOVE  THY NEIGHBOR.

>Frankly, I am not a flag waver, most here know that. But I am insulted by 
>your flimsy analysis of
>the US.  It's true that the rich only get richer and the middle class is 
>shrinking.  Funny how
>that only happens in America!  I remember when friends have returned from 
>France, their stories
>about how wonderful the rich are, standing on street corners passing out 
>their money.;-)

I don't think the French as a whole like us very much.  I agree with much of 
what you have to say Laurent.  But your assessment of the good ole U.S. is 
way off.   Am I wrong about the French not being too crazy about us?  Or at 
least our lifestyle?

>Good luck with your elections in Almighty France!  Nice choices. I'm sure 
>the French people had
>nothing to do with that! See how easy it is to throw a stone.

Well Susan....nobody wants this guy anyway.  His ratings are way,way down!!  
In the sub-something's!!  :-)

>My apologies to all here for the bandwidth and my anger

No need to apologize......you wrote with grace.....

Take care everyone.....


NP:Steely Dan...AJA......Speaking of masterpieces!!

Oh yeah....some of my sources....The Simon Weisenthal(sp?) Center in LA.

>P. S. Running for cover!
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