Azeem wrote:

> Longing In Their Hearts is fairly suggestive too - isn't that the
> one with the line about the guy who's a "short order cook" - I
> think we know what she means, eh??

Interestingly, that song was co-written by Bonnie and her (then, now ex)
husband Michael O'Keefe (who starred in Caddy Shack and played Jackie's
boyfriend in Roseanne).  I guess it's very possible there was some
underlying meaning, under the circumstances!

I'm definitely a Bonnie fan - more early and late Bonnie.  I'm not so keen
on the middle body of her work (although I own them all).  I would
definitely recommend her first and latest albums - the latest (Silver
Lining) is a must-have, in my opinion!  I saw her live on the tour for this
one, and she was incredible!


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