> Let me be counted in opposition to a war on Iraq.

Thank you Marianne.  Count me in too.

Here I go again, throwing out my not-fully-informed opinion (although I 
doubt anyone here is fully informed about the proposed war) ...

If nothing else (and I do think there much more to it), I believe 
attacking Iraq is a "quick fix" to give the American people another 
chance at "payback" for 9/11, and to make them feel "in control" 
again.  Our efforts in Afghanistan certainly didn't produce much 

But guess what?  We're NOT in control.  No one appears to be.

Further, if Saddam is truly such a threat, then suspend the executive 
orders that prohibit assassination, and remove HIM.  Leave the citizens 
of Iraq alone.


NPIMH:  the vision of a little garden planet (oasis in space), hurtling 
madly through the universe ... out of control


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