To All,
    I had been away on a mini vacation.  I returned to a
box full of post.  Many I found funny, some just hysterical.
So, have I fought in a war? Hummm, if yes or no does it change
the validly of facts that I have read?  If no, am I even afforded the
right to an opinion?  Am I struggling  with events in my own life?
Isn't everyone?  Where do I get my information?  CNN, Fox, Time,
Newsweek, etc., etc.  Only interested in war?  Oh sure it's such
fun, why not?  Please, indulge my sarcasm, for that is the most insane
question I've ever heard.  Making light of the fest?  Maybe I did, if so
it wasn't intentional. The point that was sooooo missed, was what was
at the fest was at the fest,  it cannot be bottled and sent around the
world.  How wonderful  it would be if you could.  Someone said......
oh let's all guess so we don't make it personal.   Pay back for 9/11,
to feel like we are in control..........loading a .38  to shoot the fu****,
to pay back, or feel in control?   Entertainment? not you
are.  LOL
Majority against......latest poll 62%  for not against.  "He tried to kill my
Incomplete, responding to a LIST of things Saddam had done.  It would be
hard to refer to the former president Bush as any thing but his father.  As
for the new information sources I received, I have not had time to read them,
but I will.  For those of you who posted off list, I understand.  Thank you
your quiet warnings, and support. My decision to support Bush in this action
did not make lightly.  Some one wrote for me to open my heart and share what
is inside.  If I felt that I was truly a part of a 'family' that tolerated
this I would.
Some wrote they were am I.  Only my passion differs from
It seems that me (or my opinions) are worse than that of Saddam.  For surly
ones as
loving and accepting as you would have enjoyed an intellectual  debate, rather
a war of words, meant to cut ones soul out.  The Simpson family says you are
  Kasey  Get more from the Web.  FREE MSN Explorer download :

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