kasey simpson wrote: > Victor, > You are insightful. How eloquently put. I'm not a > follower of Rene' Deckard (spelling wrong) but he made > some very strong points for creating our own worlds. Maybe > one day the genie inside me will come out. I do enjoy reading > your post. Thank you. > Kasey > > Actually, if you think about it, this whole debate that has been going on > exists only in our heads and is not roaming freely around the whole world. > So where does that leave us? > > The thing is, everything you feel, think, experience exists inside of you. >
yes. we each create our own world. It is the only one we live in. We each create our own meaning and structures. people tend to get on when they share similar meanings and not when they don't and try to force their meanings onto others. -- bw colin DAK,BRO GC, 950i, 940,860,864,890, 260,Silver 830,860, 580 and 270, Passap 6000, Duo80,Creation 6 [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.tantra-apso.com