On 8 Oct 2002 at 22:01, kasey simpson wrote:

> Majority against......latest poll
> 62%  for not against.  

Well, there's all kinds of poll data.  What does that 62% number mean exactly?  And 
in answer to what question? And when was it taken? 

Here is some interesting data from Gallup:

Only 47% of Americans will unequivocally support the President authorizing an 
invasion of Iraq.

49% believe the U.S. has not done all it can diplomatically to resolve the situation 
while 46% believe it has.

Only 38% favor the U.S. going it alone (this is from Sept 20-22, things certainly 
have changed).

Support for the war diminishes with the number of casualties:
51% support if there are 100 casualties, 46% if that number increases to 1000 and 
33% if it increases to 5000.

There's lot's more interesting data to be found here:


Taking poll data for what it is, one can still draw the conclusion that there is no 
simple for or against.  (Just as the war itself is not the same as the resolution that 
receive a vote on Thursday.)  It seems that most people in the U.S. do not support 
unilateral invasion and that there is not majority support without reservations.  But 
there is a multilateral effort or a UN sanctioned effort, support is nearly 80%.

To me this is an important point.  Most Americans do not want to bail on the UN and 
hopefully, ultimately the unilateralist, domination stance of certain members of the 
Bush administration will lose traction.

> It seems that me (or my opinions) are worse than that of
> Saddam.  

C'mon, Kasey.  I don't think anyone has written anything even close to this.  At least 
not on list.  And if it has happened off list, the offender owes you a mighty a 
with days of self-flagellation.  In the literal sense.  (See, we're not all against 
violence. : )

<digressive attempt at levity>
After all, Saddam is a homocidal, demonic, maniacal, psychotic, evil, tyrannical 
despot. I've been watching the Senate debates on the resolution and if I have to hear 
one more politician preface their point with yet another verbose description of 
Saddam's lunacy, I'm gonna scream.  It's like there's some keyword list of "evil" 
terminology floating around Washington.  To quote Buffy - "Alright, I get it.  You're 
</digressive attempt at levity>

> For surly ones as loving and accepting as you would have
> enjoyed an intellectual  debate, rather than a war of words, meant to
> cut ones soul out.  The Simpson family says you are welcome.

No offense, Kasey but this is a bit of a cop out and I for one won't let you off that 
easy.  There are people here willing to engage in an intellectual debate, so let's not 
throw out the proverbial baby with the slings & arrows bathwater.  If you really want 
to debate issues, I'm here.  And on the JMDLPC list for when it heats up!  : )


n.p.: Gov't Mule - "Monkey Hill"
Coincidence is God's way of remaining anonymous.

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