Welcome, Jeff!

You said: 

<< Being Joni's hugest fan (snicker), I was simply unaware that others kind 
of like her. >>

Why, yes, Jeff . . . fact is, others do "kind of like her." 

But the big news is, you've just discovered your *real* family, as disturbing 
as that may seem right now. But trust us, you'll get used to it. Just like we 

Unlike your other family, all 800 of us know all the words to "River" and are 
looking forward to getting together with you over the holidays just to sing 
it! But if we happen to be busy, you know, with the holidays and all, and if 
you happen to be a drifter, well then head right on over to the SCJoniGuy 
Fest in South Carolina. Fresh salmon frying and covers Frisbees flying 
whenever Muller's not looking. Trust me, there is a God. 

And as far as being Joni's biggest fan, you'll soon discover that size 
doesn't matter at all here on the JMDL. (At least that what everyone at 
Jonifest says during "The Circle Jerk.") 

<< (Do you guys require capitalization of Her?) >> 

For Joni, no. 

But for a few of the regular JMDL female-centric posters, it is strongly 
recommended. (Hi, Susan! Hey, Alison! MG? Where are ya? Hugs, Ashara! Mmmawh, 
alla youse!) 

<< And to those listed in 'Meet the Staff'...Bravos, kudos, and glad tidings 
I heap on you. >> 

Thanks, Jeff, it's nice to get kudos, etc. We usually get threats from a 
woman in Jersey. Long story.

Anyway, I am much better looking than the photo Les has there on the site. In 
reality, I look a lot more like a younger, more relaxed, dreamy-eyed and 
poetic Matt Damon type with a taut swimmer's build! 

And you? 

Enjoy your time here. 


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