Bree wrote:

> When I first joined and noticed NP: Dylan or Ryan Adams etc., at the end
of some of the posts..I
> thought Hmmm, they listen to somebody else besides Joni.  I remember even
> being kind of disappointed as crazy as this might sound. I really did..
> which is dumb, of course, because yeah..I listen to quite a few other
> artists besides Joni.  Anybody else think this or just me?

For me, the talk about so many artists old and new made it all even more
fantastic! It's been like reading a long, ongoing book with new twists and
information surfacing all the time. Better than reading the AMG All Music
Guide! Then again, I am (along with Muller, Paz, Darice, Rick and many
others) a charter member of the Official JMDL Music Slut chapter ;-)


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