Bree wrote:

> I thought Hmmm, they listen to somebody else besides Joni.  I
> remember even being kind of disappointed <snip>
> Anybody else think this or just me?

Not me.  If I'd found out that Joni is ALL that people here were 
listening to, I would've thought it obsessive, frightening, at the very 
least somewhat nerdy (albeit in a cool sort of way).

If not for the members of this list and their willingness to share what 
else they're listening to, I would probably still not know of Jonatha 
Brooke*, let alone have seen her at a delightful venue with Brian G.  
I've learned SO MUCH about ALL KINDS of music by hanging out here.

Thanks, everyone.


* P.S. - Terry M - where are you, woman?


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