There has been mention here of late about the now famous "Electicity" thread.  I know 
we have had
a thread concerning this masterpiece a couple of times over the years since I have 
been here.   
As I make mention again of using this song in my high school poetry classes (73- 75), 
along with
several other Joni songs for analysis.  
But I have always wondered my self, about the influence this particular song had on 
artist, and I am wondering if others see this as well.
I am speaking specifically about Rickie Lee's "Last Chance Texaco."  The use of 
metaphors and
style I find to be uncanny.  As I quickly skimmed over the "Electricity" thread from 
May, I did
notice Mia, made some mention of a comparison back then, but no one else followed up 
at that time.

I am of the opinion that "Elecrticity" was a direct influence on Rickie Lee writing 
this song
-period.  So please indulge me while I post MOST of the lyrics to this piece.

But you ran out of gas
down the road a heap
Then the battery went dead 
And now the cable won't reach

It's your last chance
To check under the hood
Your last chance 
She ain't sounding too good
Your last chance to trust the man 
with the star
You've found the
Last Chance Texaco.

Well he tried to be Standard 
And he tried to be Mobile
He tried living in a World 
And in a Shell 
There was this block-bused blonde
He loved her - free parts and labor
But she broke down and died
And threw all the rods he gave her

But this one ain't fuel injected
Her plug's disconnected
She gets scared and she stalls
She just needs a man, that's all

It's her last chance
Her timings all wrong
her last chance
She can't idle this long
Her last chance to turn her over and go
Pulling out of the Last Chance Texaco

Assuming we all know the lyrics to Joni's Electricity, written in 72, is this not one 
of the
single most obvious direct influences of Joni on another artist?  AND one that is as 
and artistic in of its self.  Without Joni's song, does this song ever get written?  

I am not, by any means saying it is a rip-off.  I feel the song stands alone, but I 
have always
seen a most direct influence between these two songs and I wondered if anyone else see 
this or has
an opinion.

"Last Chance Texaco" was written in 78.  So I am wondering if the younger song writer 
went off to
write her own "Starry Starry Night" again man.  And did so, without drawing too much 
scorn, well
cause it's such a great song as well.

I love both of these songs and still believe Rickie's best work was her first album.  
Although I
love several others as well.  But I think she totally wrote this song based on her 
love and
admiration of Joni and in paricular here, "Electrcity."  

Any thoughts, or other more obvious paraellels between Joni and Rickie, or another 
artist, or
songs?  As I sit here and my brain cells continue to decrease rapidly, I feel I may 
have brought
this up before, way back.  However, I would be interested in hearing it all over again 
if I did!

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