<<I feel the song stands alone, but I have always
seen a most direct influence between these two songs and I wondered if
anyone else see this or has
an opinion.>>

LCT is a masterpiece of a song on a masterpiece of a record, Susan...and I
think your point is well made, RLJ acknowledges Joni as an influence BUT I
would add that Tom Waits (who she hung out with for a time prior to her
debut) was probably also a big influence on this song. Tom's songs are full
of car imagery as well as stories of people who can't connect.
Unfortunately, this may be the closest we'll ever come to a collaboration
between my two favorite songwriters!

Thanks for printing the lyrics out - sometimes it's amazing to see them all
printed out like that.


NP: Steve Earle, "Ashes To Ashes"

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