>Mia wrote: 
> Disclaimer: The following is pure speculation on my part.
> As a child, I was forced to listen to John Denver because my father was an 
> obsessed fan (what's that?). 

I have NO idea what that means - obsessed fan?!  ;-P

I used to think whoever wrote "The Wedding Song" copied the melody from Denver's 
"Rhymes and
Reasons". It wasn't until I discovered Joni Mitchell some years later that I realized 
Tree" also has similar melody.  "Cactus Tree" was written a year before "Rhymes and 
Coincidence? Time of Man? Or did Denver think he could get away with this, thinking 
Joni as a
woman would never make it bigtime?  Shame on me for thinking this. After looking at 
the lyrics
again, I now think he wrote this song for Joni.
> 'So you speak to me of sadness and the coming of the winter' - (Joni's early work 
>was indeed sad
and many songs were about the winter like "Urge for Going", "Winter Lady", etc..)
'Fear that is within you now that seems to never end' - (Joni's 'fear is 
> like a wilderland' from "I Think I Understand")
> 'And the dreams that have escaped you' - (Joni's 'my dreams with the 
> seagulls fly out of reach, out of cry' 
> 'Though the cities start to crumble and the towers fall around us' -(Joni's
> 'But sand castles crumble')

WOW, Mia, not knowing Denver like you do, I can see your point!

> I've noticed other similarities in Denver's early works like "Sunshine On My 
>Shoulders" - the
melody for these particular title lyrics go up and down 
> like Joni's 'with sun on my shoulders'. Also with Denver's "Eagle and the Hawk" 'and 
>all who
believe in me share in the freedom I feel when I fly' compared to Joni's 'share in the 
freedom of
all flying things'.  There are others, but this is just from the top of my head.

I have on occasion noticed other artists, and I have no example right here and now,  
who use a
phrasing or alter a Joni term in their songs.  Although I do see a lot of Joni in 
Shawn Colvin,
whom I love!
I do not have a problem, ethically with this.  BUt pure copy or imitation attempts, 
turn me off!

> Phoebe Snow's "Poetry Man" makes me think of Joni's "He Comes For 
> Conversation".
I love Phoebe and she is not mentioned here enough.  I do see the influence between 
and Poetry Man - somewhat. And as with RLJ and Joni there appears, due to age to be 
about an 8
year lapse between Joni and the younger artist.  I think the time is important in this
analysis,becasue of ages of the artists and the era.  
> Fleetwood Mac's "Tell Me Lies" makes me think of Joni's "The Last Time I Saw > 
Not sure about this one above however. 

> I've also heard similarities in Heart and Steven Tyler's work, but the songs 
> escape my memory right now.
> What about the reverse? Can anyone think of any songs Joni has written that might 
>parallel an
earlier song by another artist?
Hmm this will take some research and much further analysis.  As far as artists period, 
I would
think, Dylan & Cohen.  But I don't have any direct examples in song.  

Since the singer songwriter doesn't have that long of a history, I can't think of many 
who came
before and how they may have influenced the group that came to be in the late 
60'sthrough much of
the 70's. This group may truly have been spawned by the whole Greenwhich Village, 
Chelsea, and
bohemian scene. Coming more so from the poet side than from the music.  So they appear 
to me, to
be the prototype of this genre.

Thanks for the analysis Mia.  I wil be thinking and listening much closer now. And no 
need for any


> NP: Eva Cassidy - People Get Ready
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