> I know it sounds anal as hell, but Sam Cooke is legend enough that you
should spell his last name correctly (call it Joan Bias syndrome)
Obviously, to maintain my sanity in this world I have to let many
misspellings go, but Sam Cooke is not one I can let go. Sorry, it's not
you, it's me.

It's refreshing to see such friendly and nice posts correcting spelling
errors...unlike those we used to get from someone who will remain nameless.

Victor, back in Asheville after spending a long overdue week in Atlanta.

ps.  The leaves are magnificant!

--- Victor Johnson
"Roses wait for the springtime,
They sleep beneath the ground.
They hear March winds a callin'
For the sun to come around."vlj

Visit http://www.cdbaby.com/victorjohnson

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