Actually, Lori, Michael & James paired up with this one.

(*Heavenly Father) On a related note: I went to the animal shelter in my area yesterday to adopt a dog and cat. I wanted to cry....I don't cry easily.... so I had to hold back the tears. I wanted to take ALL of them home.....but unfortunately...most of them will be put to sleep. SO I would pass the cages..all vying for my attention...... TAKE ME!! TAKE ME!! I'm not much trouble!! me I'm cute!!

Why people will not have their animals spayed or neutered is beyond me?????!!

The little dog I picked is named Buttons..four years wants a home. The women that work in their told me that Buttons has a chip for identification purposes and they tried in vain to contact the owner. Apparently these *lovely* people moved and left Buttons on his own to wander the neighborhood. (did not even bother bringing him to the animal shelter!!) A crime in my book!! Forty days of hard labor!!

Just wanted to share... (leaving to vote)


> michael mcdonald- ja mo be there (not sure of this title either)

Kate, that song (Yah Mo B There) SOUNDS like it's sung by Michael
McDonald, but I'm 99% sure it was recorded by James Ingram.



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