Bob wrote:

> The vote comes up again in 2004 - how much can get done in two years?
> Not a lot. And then what will happen? People will vote for change
> again, and there ya' go.

Kakki responded:

> I think it's about more than the economy but generally agree with the
> rest of what you say.  That's why I think people on the losing side
> shouldn't get so worked up about it.

I can speak only for myself, but the reason *I* am so worked up about 
the election results is because now there will be little to stop the 
kings-to-be from starting the REAL "mother of all battles," the one 
that could truly be the beginning of the end.  I don't like sounding so 
fatalistic, but I've believed since childhood that I would be alive to 
see The End, and now it feels very close indeed.

Secondly, as has already been pointed out, the Administration can now 
pack the U.S. Supreme Court with conservatives to its heartless 
content.  So even if we don't blow ourselves up, what frightening 
changes lie ahead?

For me, it's not about the economy (which has always bounced back 
eventually), and -- foolishly or not -- I've never been too afraid of 
terrorists, other than the ones that have been recently voted into 
office.  However, THEY scare the hell out of me.



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