Justice John Paul Stevens is old and has to retire or die one day, a
vote for choice.
Justice Sandra Day O'Connor is quoted as saying she wants to resign, a
vote for choice.  Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has had cancer; she is
recovered, but she her health could adversely affect her tenure on the
court.  A vote for choice.

That leaves Justice David Souter and Justice Stephen Breyer as our sole
votes for choice.

Chief Justice Rehnquist and Justice Scalia, Justice Thomas, and Justice
Kennedy - and whoever may replace Rehnquist, who has been rumored to
want to retire - are anti choice, as would be their replacements.

We lose Stevens, O'Connor, or Ginsburg - or Souter or Breyer, no one
lives forever - and the votes to override Roe v Wade are there.

Let us not be naive about who G W Bush will appoint.   Choice was at
stake on Tuesday.  And please let us be spared any comments that Roe v
wade cannot be over ridden.  The court can over ride anything it wants,
and has done so from its beginning.  An easy example, Brown vs Topeka Bd
of Ed. was a direct override of Plessy vs Ferguson.

Of course, there are a lot of issues besides choice.  Bush has stated
over and over and over that he wants to appoint justices like Scalia and
Thomas.  These gentlemen are not freedom loving libertarians who are
so-called strict constuctionialists, they are judicial activists with an
agenda of "undoing" decades of court decisions.  There is nothing wrong
with that per se.  Everyone is entitled to their agendas.

What was troubling about last weekend and the election on Tuesday was
that these issues were not discussed.  Bush succeeded in making those
Senate races about terrorism.  And even that was bullshit.  Senator Max
Cleland of Georgia, who was defeated, is a triple amputee because of his
Vietnam service with a long history in veteran affairs.  The Republicans
ran ads against Cleland with 3 pictures: Cleland, bin laden, and
Hussein.  The ads said that  Cleland was opposed to fighting terrorism
and was against the president in fighting terrorism.  That of course is
bullshit.  Cleland supported over and over the proposed dept. of
homeland security but was opposed to eliminating civil service
protection for federal employees - and for that stand, he was pilloried
as supporting bin Laden and Sadaam Hussein.   (And yes, I saw those ads,
I do watch CSPAN  now and again...)

And note that in the election, none, not one, of the liberal Senators
lost.  Levin of Michigan, Durbin of Illinois, Kerry of Massachusetts,
some of our best and most liberal senators cruised to re-election.  Most
of the senators who were the targets for the White House - Carnahan,
Cleland, Johnson - were senators who had supported Bush on Iraq,
Ashcroft, the tax cuts, etc.  (Wellstone, also a target, was moving way
ahead in the polls at the time of his death.  It is most likely that
Wellstone would have won had he lived. )

Think about that.  Bush attacked and defeated centrist Democrats who had
supported him!   Now, does anyone think that will engender cooperation
in Washington?  Other than Wellstone, Bush did not go after any
Democrats who had consistently voted against him - Bush went after
senators who had supported him!

Whatever bipartisan ship there was, Bush destroyed himself by going
after those Democratic senators who had voted with him.

With bipartisan ship, fragile as it was, shattered, what it means is
that nothing will be able to block judicial nominees - and Supreme Court
appointees - from reaching the floor.  Pro choice Senator Leahy will no
longer chair the Senate's Judiciary Committee.  So your anti-choice
nominees will get on the bench.  Your anti-gay and lesbian rights
appointees will get on the bench.   The Pickering and Owens nominations
will reach the floor.  Go and celebrate.

And for anyone who says there is no difference in the parties, dream
on.  It is so cool to be above the fray and to be above all that.  So,
name me the pro-choice Republicans in the Senate, name me the Senate
Republicans who voted for the Democratic bill which would have included
sexual orientation amongst those things that employers could not
discriminate against.


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