I'm very much afraid that these are impressions i share on the subject of Travelogue based on what i've heard from these networked music files.
i'm ready to go on at length about where i think this has gone wrong but am going to wait to hear the CD. Corny, Beefed-up on orc-castration and very much a re-hash. les (london and desparate to be proved wrong with this) -----Original Message----- From: Lavieri, Vince [185776] [mailto:revrvl@;chartermi.net] Subject: Re: Corned Beef Re-hash Gordon wrote: I tell Amelia, it was just a false alarm. >From the tracks I heard, I am blown away by nothing and have not been able to discern any new musical statement being made by this album. Damn I tried to like what I heard on the links, tried real hard, and maybe when I play the album I will hear it differently. I will now duck from the angry responses that I will get.