You all are cracking me up - marking posts titled "DED" and "Joni" as njc

Glad you got DED, Mack.  That was the only one I didn't get when it first
came out.  I never got it until a few years ago and think it is her best
all-around of the 80s. I can't believe some would not like Ethiopia - to me
it is the masterpiece of the set.  I introduced a friend who knew nothing
about her other than Big Yellow Taxi to just the lyrics of the DED album and
he was completely blown away by her genius.  Converted him in one fell swoop

And Bree, don't worry too much about Joni going away from music forever -
she has been saying this since around the second album.  Hopefully it is one
more false alarm.  No one with music in their soul can ever go away from it
for too long.


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