Hell wrote:

> Jim Morrison is another (not mentioned very often here - I've always
wondered why?) who could be classed
> as more of a poet than a lyricist.  Certainly "An American Prayer" is far
> more about the poetry than the music.

Growing up here in Morrison land, he was defintely considered a brilliant
poet.  I have friends of middle age (cough) who still have framed posters of
him up on their walls.  But I've noticed in recent years that a lot of
people in the larger world seem to have a somewhat snobbish disdain for him,
to the point of brushing him and the Doors off as being trite and
"manufactured."  It baffles me, but then maybe thinking he was an original
and somewhat groundbreaking poet was just "provincial" taste.  I think the
music was also groundbreaking but that is disputed in some circles, too.
Funny how we never hear of a Joni connection with Jim.  He lived right there
in Laurel Canyon by the General Store for awhile.  Maybe he was too intense
for the more mellow acoustic crowd.  Yet Crosby did write that beautiful ode
to him on the first CPR album.


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