vince stupidly wrote:

Wasn't Shampoo a few years before Nashville? It seems to me I saw Shampoo in college or seminary but Nashville when I was on internship, or were Blakely and Tomlin nominated for something prior to Nashville?

Joseph had correctly stated:

Actually, Lily Tomlin was nominated as best supporting actress in this
film (NASHVILLE), as was Ronee Blakley. I remembered Tomlin's nomination
because she was in the list of actors who were nominated for their film
debuts (as was Glenn Close in THE WORLD ACCORDING TO GARP). The year
Tomlin and Blakley were nominated, the award went to Lee Grant for

Vince sheepishly now says:

Both films are listed as being made in 75, which means Shampoo must come out before I left for internship, I had seen it I know before I moved to Michigan, when I was still in Chicago. And Nashville come out later that year and I saw it in Michigan. I guess because I saw them two states apart, I separated the time gap in my mind more than reality allows.

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