<< Oh dear!  I was kind of dreading this.  I finally bought it today and
am playing disc one as I type this.  Her voice isn't in as bad shape as
feared (then again I'd imagined a deathly croak, perhaps as an insurance
policy, knowing that it couldn't be quite that shot) - but I still find
painful to listen to.  Joni's voice sounds parched and exhausted, and I'm
not  hearing this marvellously expressive instrument that others have
hearing.  It's like watching an old and frail person staggering along a
cliff, I'm almost holding my breath. >>

        I always love it when a critical reviewer pans an album
admittedly before listening to the first half of it.
        Congratulations Azeem! I hereby present you with the
short-attention span award for reviewer bias.
        PS  Perhaps your 'pain' stems from a deep fear of getting older?

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