For me, most of the Joni's albums have either grabbed me or
not right away.  Everything after WTRF I pretty much never
play, although I've tried. Some of DED I like.

mia ortlieb wrote:

> <<Have you ever taken a few bites of food, and said "
> thanks...."     ?
> Would eating more of it make you like it better?>>
> Actually, yes- but over time.
> 1.  PIZZA - did not like until I turned 18
> 2.  TACOS - did not like until my late 20's
> 3.  ONIONS - did not like until my 30's
> 4.  GREEN PEPPERS -  just started liking them a year ago
> Now, If only I could start to like peanut butter, and become sick of
> chocolate :-)
> When "Taming the Tiger" first came out, I wasn't all that excited about it.
> I did not think it was very melodic. I kept revisiting it and now I
> absolutely cannot get enough! I think it is extremely melodic and I'm
> humming the tunes in the shower all the time! Come to think of it, my 2 fav
> Joni albums, FTR and DJRD took awhile before they became my favorites.
> Mia
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