--- mia ortlieb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >
<<Have you ever taken a few bites of food, and said
> "uh...no
> thanks...."     ?
> Would eating more of it make you like it better?>>
> Actually, yes- but over time.
> 1.  PIZZA - did not like until I turned 18
> 2.  TACOS - did not like until my late 20's
> 3.  ONIONS - did not like until my 30's
> 4.  GREEN PEPPERS -  just started liking them a year
> ago
> Now, If only I could start to like peanut butter,
> and become sick of 
> chocolate :-)

I was one of those cranky kids too. Wouldn't eat
anything with tomato sauce on it, which ruled out
pizza, spaghetti or anything Italian. Wouldn't eat
Chinese food either until my teens. I don't think you
need peanut butter, so don't worry about it. We all
need chocolate though.


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