Here I go again, writing about HELP ME. (I had
used the "H" word as the "subject" and so those
posts got bounced.)

Anyone out there as big a fan of HM as I am?
Delightfully perverse as she is, Joni has sort
of "disowned" her only Top 10 hit, claiming it's
an "ingenue" song.

At the risk of incurring the wrath of our Joan, 
I don't think it IS that. The woman of HP has
been around the block a few times; and I'd love
to hear the mature Joni tackle it (shades of "Falling
in love again / Never wanted to...").

I think it's a brilliant song: short, pithy,
economical, universal, lighter than air.
And "'Cause I've seen some hot hot blazes /
Come down to smoke and ash" gets me 
every time.

If she ever does do an album with her
excellent jazz combo (pretty please,
Joni?), wouldn't SMOKE AND ASH
be an apt title?

MICHAEL in Toronto

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