> << I think it's a brilliant song: short, pithy, economical, universal,
> lighter than air.
> And "'Cause I've seen some hot hot blazes / Come down to smoke and ash"
> me every time. >>
> Do you know I've never noticed that line??  You're right, it's fantastic.

I always thought it was "hard hard places!"  Ignorant I am.  But why is it
so great?  It's the "smoke and ash".  She just sounds so *passionate* about
it - bitter, but passionate - "I've seen a few things, and I've seen a few
dreams gone sour, and I've had to accept it; but man, it churns me up
inside".  And I thought it was just me that was so enraptured by this bit of
the song!  I tell you, I could get to like this Internet thingummy.....

> Azeem in London
> NP: Coldplay - live on Later, sounding pretty good

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