In a message dated 06/12/2002 21:33:03 GMT Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
<< Anyone out there as big a fan of HM as I am? Delightfully perverse as she is, Joni has sort of "disowned" her only Top 10 hit, claiming it's an "ingenue" song.>> Me! Me! It's in my top ten Joni songs, top five maybe. It is a perfect song, regardless of what Joni says - what would she know anyway? ;-) << I think it's a brilliant song: short, pithy, economical, universal, lighter than air. And "'Cause I've seen some hot hot blazes / Come down to smoke and ash" gets me every time. >> Do you know I've never noticed that line?? You're right, it's fantastic. Azeem in London NP: Coldplay - live on Later, sounding pretty good