Yes, but have you ever spent long periods of time in cold weather?  I always
think the snow is beautiful in November but by March or April, I curse it's
existence! :>)

(who will be spending Christmas in sunny NZ this year!!!!!)

Date: Sun, 08 Dec 2002 23:38:36 +0000
From: colin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Song of Sunny Saskatoon (njc)

>i like my winters VERY long, my daylight hours VERY short and my ground
>frozen SOLID. the only thing that disappointed me about vancouver was that
>winter is exactly the same as in buenos aires! i yearn for subzero weather,
I am glad I am not the only one who loves winter and the cold and
especially snow. lots of it. On my trip in new england it was sometimes
- -30f and was gorgeous.

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