I wasn't going to go there, but I feel the same way about Wayne Shorter's
Okay, we know he can play... but what is he playing? Can this guy play
remotely melodic or beautiful or even intriguing, stimulating,(on Joni's
CDs)instead of this smattering of notes- like the swipe of a paintbrush at
a canvas from 50 feet away?(lol)

I don't understand. Please explain.


p.s. However, she's gotten better about singing her consonants... 

At 10:10 AM 12/10/02 EST, you wrote:
>In a message dated 10/12/2002 08:02:52 GMT Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
><< You don't dig it, that's cool.
>But why do you think Joni is so sold on Vince and Wayne? Is she mistaken? If 
>given the chance, how might you have tried to talk her out of it?
>These are my questions. >>
>Thanks for your measured response Fred!  Why is Joni so sold on VM and WS?  
>Well, she likes the sound they make!  I guess it's as simple and
>as that.  Perhaps, to her, they make her songs sound lush and full; perhaps 
>they confer on the songs a patina of neo-classical credibility, as if
>part of the orchestral repertoire - and maybe that's TOTALLY wrong on my 
>part, who knows but Joni?
>Is she mistaken?  Well, to my subjective fan's ears, yes, she is mistaken, 
>they ruin her songs - or to be more precise, they contribute to the ruining 
>of her songs, along with the weakness of her singing.  AND YET: at the risk 
>of trotting out a platitude, I do realise that not everyone shares this view.
><< If given the chance, how might you have tried to talk her out of it? >>
>A really interesting question.  I suppose, waving my hypothetical wand for a 
>moment to facilitate this conversation, I'd have told her that the songs
>great enough to stand alone, and that I didn't like Vince Mendoza's
>style, and that I feared that it would swamp her songs in treacle.  If I'd 
>been feeling very brave, I might have said that her singing was getting so 
>croaky that juxtaposing it with very lush orchestral arrangements would
>it into unfavourable contrast.
>I'm sure she would have thanked me profusely for my advice, smiling 
>graciously as she operated the lever to the trapdoor...
>Azeem in London
>NP: Shawn Colvin - Whole New You (what a great record this is!)


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