I agree about Joni's current, wabi-like voice acting as the anti-curlique.
Gees, I was hopin' you weigh in with some comments on TRAVELOGUE.

Did I ever tell you that several times when you were uns*bbed (or lurking?),
I used your line (with attribution)

"<fill in the blank> makes music very well, indeed.  As well as human being
are capable of making it."

I think you used it in reference to Louis Armstrong.

Fred Simon said,
If, for the sake of argument, we accept that Mendoza has swamped her songs
in treacle (and, for the most part, I don't agree), then couldn't Joni's
craggy voice be viewed as the anti-treacle that balances it all? Same with
Wayne's quirky commentary.

>Azeem in London
>NP: Shawn Colvin - Whole New You (what a great record this is!)

Now that's something I can endorse unequivocally! In fact, I'll see your
endorsement and raise you one ... it's a stone masterpiece, as is its
predecessor, A Few Small Repairs. Music just doesn't get any better.

- -Fred

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