Just a few comments.  I loved John Irving's post. So eloguent and so right 
on.  What's everyone so worked up about "the end" of joni's career?  We're 
listening to a new album right now. Some of us like it. Some of us don't. 
Personally I think all of the judgement is arrogant.  I am not equipped to 
judge a genius. I may prefer to listen to some albums more than others, but I 
refrain from passing judgement.  And these neverending, sometimes cruel 
comments about her voice. And on and on about her voice. Her voice has 
changed. Her physical appearance has changed. Why don't people start talking 
about how she looks older too? And you know what, she's a little heavier than 
she used to be? Why not discuss that? No, that wouldn't be discussed because 
that would be in poor taste.  Because we all know, one ends up aging in 
appearance.  Well, the voice ages too, and surely her smoking has 
contributed. So I cannot help thinking there is a bit of judgement that it's 
her fault because she smoked. Nonsmokers think smoking is a character flaw 
and exsmokers think it's a character flaw too.  Mainly it's just a horrible 
addiction that's more difficult to kick than heroin. The great sadness of it 
with Joni is that I fear she will die of lung cancer and that will be the 
end.  But her music lives on and even if she never records one other thing we 
have a plethora of wonderful music to take us to our graves and I am so 
grateful for that everyday.  Why don't we think about everything she has 
blessed us with instead of wanting more and more? Let the woman paint. Maybe 
she will start having art shows in the US.  If she feels like writing some 
songs and recording she will. Joni does what she wants. And rightfully so.  

"It's coming on Christmas
They're cutting down trees
They're putting up reindeer
And singing songs of joy and peace"


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