What I know about art you could put in a thimble..but I know what I like. If the piece invites me in..then that particular artist has been successful with me.

Many of Joni works do just this for me! Technically I don't care if she is good as Van Gogh or Monet. If it evokes emotion from me..this is all that matters. *Some* of the masters works leaves me uninvited,flat..and wanting.

Beauty is indeed in the eye of the beholder!

On another note: I saw Manilow on The Today Show today and he spoke of Joni. He said he recorded Joni Mitchell's River...."such a fantastic song"..you could tell that he was rather in awe.


joni has the potential of surpassing van gogh and/or o'keefe?

oh for chrissakes. this is just embarassing. even joni, in her most egotistical megolamanical moments would probably not say something quite so obtuse. if this is something you sincerely believe) all you are REALLY doing is revealing how little you know and understand about art.

(you realize of course, i am only sacrificing myself for YOU, by presenting a bigger, more tantalizing target for the flamers.)

enter the multitudes...


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