Everything and everyone changes. everything ends. everyone ends. the past has gone. the future is not here. all we have is NOW.
Would I be upset if Joni didn't do another record? no. Would I be upset if Carly didn't do another record? No. Would I have been a few years ago? yes-back in the days when I still believed death was something that only happened to others and that I would live forever. When i became aware that I was getting older, that John was, that Joni was, that Carly was, that everyone was, and that the time to leave my place here is getting here more quickly. death is either the end or the beginning and nothing to be feared. but old age and disease and pain and suffering and loss are fearful. So do we let that fear spoil today? no. we put out music on and enjoy what is-what is now-what we have.

There is no denying Joni has changed. I don't think those who don;t like the change are denying change and death. i don't think those who like the change are accepting death and change.

for me, it has never been about Joni's voice. I just like her sounds, usually. her words and her music. The voice is just a vehicle. I am not explainign this very well. Yet my other fave singer has a voice that brings me out in goosebumps. the effect is different. in fact both singers couldn't be more different. The latter I can explain clearly why i like her so much. Joni i can't explain. I often wonder what it is I am enamoured by. shea appeals to my darker side for sure.


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