Eric Taylor wrote:
> Debra wrote in response to John Irving's incredibly moving post:

Eric, I responded to Victor's message and mentioned things both you and
John had written and which, to me, expressed an attitude so off-putting
I chose to comment on it. I suggest you read my message again, and if
you would like to praise John's post that you do so without involving

> Is that any less insulting than calling T'log fans "joni pod people"???

You proudly express your zeal, i.e., fervor for a particular person, so,
yes, I'm calling you a zealot. Your behavior fits the definition. I have
no comment on the joni pod people characterization. 

I do agree it's confusing to call John a zealot. His post was quite
complex and my comments were only regarding the annoying, to me,
sections describing people's supposed, less than completely
Joni-adulating behavior. I leave it to others to respond to the more
positive aspects of what he wrote.

> Geez, Debra, you've been on this list since I first joined in
> 1997 & should know a thing or two about flaming.

I do. I know a flamethrower when I see one, and still end up getting
hooked sometimes.

> There was nothing zealous about John's beautiful post!
> Perhaps you are blurring this with my comment a few days ago: *To
> me if a listener always skips over Paprika Plains when they play DJRD,
> they are not truly a Joniphile! Does this make me a Joni
> Fundamentalist???*

It makes you a harsh judge of other people's behavior. If I recall
correctly, your comment was after someone recently mentioned that they
skip Paprika Plains, so according to you they should check out of joni
fanhood since they're not following one of your "rules". You don't see
anything odd about imposing your rigid attitude onto everyone else?  

> I plead guilty to being a fervent Joni pod zealot.

There's no need for you to plead to anything. You've shown it all clearly.

> Now can you admit that you are an aging baby boomer wishing that
> everything was just like it was in the good old days?

I've shown it all clearly also, and if you want to imagine that's the
way I am, go right ahead. You've made all sorts of incorrect assumptions
about many people, so your imaginings are not anything for me to be
concerned about. 

> What frustrates me even more is how dismissive so many seems to
> be about her increasingly gorgeous paintings.

I've read many positive comments about her paintings, especially the
ones in T'log. If you're trying to pick a fight with me in particular,
no thanks. Been there, done that. I'm not interested in discussing
Joni's paintings again.

> How many Help Me die hards grasp the magnitude of Joni's post
> 70's artistic genius anyway?
> I'm just expressing my honest opinion.

To avoid it coming across as a put down, I suggest you answer such
questions for yourself (now THAT would be expressing an honest opinion)
and leave it to others to answer for themselves in their own way.
Leaving off dissy labels like "Help Me die hards" would help also. 

> Dreading the hammers & the boards & the nails,

Then why write as you do? 

Take care, Eric.  

Debra Shea

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