Sarah said
>>My own opinion, Colin, is that we're already in deep shit and that the war
(Islam versus the West) began in the 80s with the first suicide attacks in
Lebanon, and the rise of the Moslem Brotherhood, and it has just taken a while
to make itself felt around the world.<<

Whoa, hold on just a moment, here. Since when did this war become 'Islam
versus the West'? Could this war not equally be called 'The West versus
Islam'? As a journalist you should be aware of the newspeak elements inherent
in this field, especially on the Israel-Palestine situation, but also on
anything related to Iraq. Question: What made these people in Lebanon decide
to launch suicide attacks? Whim? Folly? High spirits? Or perhaps a reaction to
earlier events? Maybe we should look at these events before making such a
statement. Perhaps a good place to look for anti-Islam acts is the career of
Ariel Sharon, a veteran of over 50 years of atrocities against the Palestine
people. Yes, The same Ariel Sharon who George Bush calls 'a man of peace'.
Check the records, it's all there. As a journalist you must know this.

Sarah also said
>>I think the military plan is to destroy infrastructure, not people, and to
invade Baghdad within days (within 2 days, they're saying) of the war

What the plan is (as presented to the public) and what the plan really is (as
prepared by the govt and the military) and how the plan works out in reality
are three different things. Look at Afghanistan for a recent example.

>> And then I think the assumption and hope is that the Iraqi people will
joyfully surrender, and Saddam and his clansmen will flee the country,
probably to Libya. <<

If this 'assumption' really works out like this "I'll show my arse in Burton's
window", as we say in my home town; Burton being a high street clothing
company for all you non-brits.

>>But in fact, I have to say I think his (Bush) responses have been measured
and justified, apart from the loss of civil liberties in the U.S. <<

Loss of liberty in the US, no big deal then.

Kate said
>>if we attacked Iraq it would be the first time the USA has ever attacked
another country, unprovoked...<<

Kate, I wish this were true but history shows that it is not.

mike in barcelona

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