In a message dated 12/29/02 9:50:18 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

> .  I know those feelings of seething rage and resentment and finally
> learned that the more one focuses on them, the longer they last because 
> they
> have a toxic way of being self-perpetuating. I've had friends ask me at
> times how I ever finally got over certain bad times and in some cases it 
> was
> because I simply got sick and tired of listening to myself focus on them!

Before I get into the hot I hear ya Kakki. Harboring negative 
feelings only make you even more miserable. You only hurt yourself in the 
end. I've been listening to those thoughts going on in my tired little head 
all day.  I can't sleep, can't eat and fear that I'll never be able to stop 
crying. The irony is the sadness and pain will actually help release you from 
the marriage. It's all normal and perfectly appropriate. What Bob was saying 
is true too, but I haven't felt it yet. The more activity you have, the less 
depressed you'll be. The less activity you have the more depressed. It's a 
vicious cycle, an emotional roller coaster. Hold on tight.

on a dark ride

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