remember Twiggy? Remember how it became  the goal of many women to become thin as 
Twig? Hmm some things never change. 
how the hell are women supposed to "measure" up to those images on the mag covers etc 
when the aformentioned images are airbrushed, therefore not even depicting real women 
in the first place. 
the sad thing is that there is so much pressure to measure up to someone's ideal 
notion of beauty (thin), causing all kinds of problems for women as well as men. and i 
hear it's affecting kids under ten too , some girls at this age are getting into the 
tangled web of eating disorders . 
the results of this warped notion of beauty is a real sore spot for me. 
 colin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:> So I think what I'm really trying to say is 
it's more about how you feel
>on the inside about how you look on the outside.
I agree. People always make the mistake of comparing others' outside 
with their inside. Its' a shame people aren't encouraged to get their 
inside right first.

> Though with models and
>actors/actress allot of it is pressure put on them by the industry.
> Enough of my babel
> Chuck

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     - JM
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