Interesting....I lost my boyfriend to suicide several years ago.  At no time
did my therapist give me a time frame for grieving (I would have fired her
if she had).  Grief is an individual thing.  Sometimes we never get over
these things.  Nothing personal, but I think that therapist needs to get
some serious education on the grieving process.

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, January 15, 2003 1:23 PM
Subject: Re: grief njc

: When I was seeing a therapist a couple of years ago, she told me that as a
: rule of thumb, for "each" year someone was a part of your life, it takes the
: same number of months for the grieving process. i.e. If you and your spouse
: or partner were together for 24 years, you could expect to be grieving for 24
: months.  This is not to say that 2 years later you would still be crying your
: eyes out constantly.  It means that 2 years from now, you could see something
: that reminded you of that person and it would be perfectly natural for you to
: start crying.
: It made sense to me, but it was her rule of thumb, not mine. Like you said
: Mags, grief is a personal journey.
: Jimmy
: np Puddle of Mudd "Blurry"

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