Firstly, thanks to all for your welcoming responses.
As for my personal experience with my boyfriend's suicide, which
was particularly gruesome, took place in my bathroom where I
had the "pleasure" of finding him, I would never have survived
had it not been for my therapist at the time.  And believe me,
aside from this situation, she was a terrible therapist.  When
they took Phil out of the building in a body bag I was ready to
leap out the window to join him.  I continue to be traumatized.
And then when 9/11 happened (I was at work 2 blocks away), all
the work I thought I'd accomplished went right down with those
In any event, it's true that one needs to make a concerted effort
to live, and to sustain hope, no matter how difficult it may seem.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Susan Guzzi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, January 15, 2003 11:45 PM
Subject: Re: grief njc

: Hey Jimmy,
: First of all I am very happy you were able to heal and that you got what you needed 
out of
: therapy.
: Thankfully I had been in therapy for years with a superb woman.  Of course once I 
:had to
: the heroin addiction of my lover's, I had to stop my own therapy due to finances. 
again, but
: once upon a time....
: But still I retained enough, to work through it, slow as it was.  And you are 
: hope or having it as unfounded as it may be many days, is what kept me alive.
: But I NEVER could have achieved that in 6 months.  We were soulmates, as over used as
that term is
: these days.  And I wet through a living hell, financially, emotionally and 
We were
: together 6 years almost to the day she died.
: I still object to her timetable, but I understand that whatever gets you through your
grief is all
: good.  I can say that after that first year of living on the edge, and then finding 
of you,
: may have been the best therapy for me.  I know I have been kind of reborn here and 
Robin is
: still a big of who I am.  Not to mention the part of me that died with her.
: It's all good now, it's all a part of my fabric. As a reverend said Sunday at a 
for a
: friend who passed last week, "death IS a part of life."  It gets easier and easier to
deal with.
: Turn turn ...
: And by the way Jimmy, I wondered why the hell all those blue feathers were hanging 
your ass at
: fest! I figured Smurphy planted them as a prank!  ;-D
: Peace,
: Susan
: NPIMH: If happy little bluebirds fly above the rainbow, why oh why ...
: > Susan and Arlene, I just want to make it clear my therapist was *very*
: > educated on the grieving process.  She had been highly recommended, and I > went to
her because
: I wanted to *heal*, and she helped me very much.
: >
: > The grieving process can be less painful if you try to understand that loss and 
is a
: natural part of life. Learn to accept your loss and believe in yourself.
: > This process isn't for everyone. As I said before, I agree with Mags that
: > grieving is one's personal journey. My journey (and sessions) finally led to HOPE. 
knew that I
: would eventually reach a point where remembering would be less painful and I could 
to look
: ahead to the future and more good times.
: >
: > Jimmy, who is so happy now, I have blue jays flying out of my butt
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