I would add to your list other great jazz composers: Thelonious Monk, Miles Davis, Herbie Hancock, and especially, Wayne Shorter, who penned more jazz tunes from the mid-fiftes to mid-seventies than perhaps any other composer; who is certainly among the very few extremely prolific jazz composers (Mingus and Ellington also come to mind). If I'm not mistaken, Wayne Shorter has played with Joni coninuously since '78 (on EVERY album since DJRD with possible exception of CMinRS). Obviously, this extraordinay jazz legend (Wayne Shorter) has found working with Joni satisfies his needs for creative outlet (since Weather Report fizzled in the early '80s). It's not far-fetched to consider Joni's last TWENTY-FIVE years to be collabortation with Wayne Shorter (and let's not overlook the continuity and contribution of Larry Klein, but that would be another thread). Fully half of Wayne's creative output (not strictly composing) in his incredibly long career has been with Joni.


At 08:15 PM 1/20/2003 +0000, Laurent Olszer wrote:

You know that famous Joni line of course from the Mingus album.
Well I was wondering, and this is a question for musicians: what is the type
of mode/chords/harmonies/???
that is the common link between, say, Joni, David Crosby, Jack Bruce, Mingus,
to name a few?


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