Lucy Hone wrote:

This was one for that VP (virtual pub) moment



If a man has a sex change to become a woman so that he/she can have a
relationship with a lesbian woman what does that make him/her????

I KNOW THIS WOMAN.......... she was a very good male friend of mine for
years and at the age of 48 (but not to my surprise) took the plunge to have
her gender dysmorphia (correct name for those who have transgenderism)
corrected. Petite (married three times and with three children) she took the
plunge to end the years of cross dressing and secret longing. Brave Brave
Brave person.

I think people who go thru this are indeed extremely courageous. It takes courage to be who you are for anyone, but to go thru this and it it entails is courage in the extreme.

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