> Lucy Hone wrote:
> >This was one for  that VP (virtual pub) moment
> >
> >
> >WROTE......
> >
> >If a man has a sex change to become a woman so that he/she can have a
> >relationship with a lesbian woman what does that make him/her????
> >
> >I KNOW THIS WOMAN.......... she was a very good male friend of mine for
> >years and at the age of 48 (but not to my surprise) took the plunge to have
> >her gender dysmorphia (correct name for those who have transgenderism)
> >corrected. Petite (married three times and with three children) she took the
> >plunge to end the years of cross dressing and secret longing. Brave Brave
> >Brave person.
> >
> colin wrote:
> >
> I think people who go thru this are indeed extremely courageous. It
> takes courage to be who you are for anyone, but to go thru this and it
> it entails is courage in the extreme.

On the other hand.... this person lost the love of their children and
parents and others...in order to (from a cynical point of view) chase
a sexual fantasy. Is this happiness? I'm all for people following their
hearts, and only that person can decide what is the proper path
to take.
My reservations are not purely speculative...I have a male friend
who surprised me one day after I had known him for twenty years
by saying he was a woman trapped in a man's body. Went through
hormone treatments, got breasts, stopped short of the 'lopping'.
Doesn't seem any happier to me, and since he is not gay, has
drastically cut down his chances with women. Has to deal with
hostile or confused people in public. It seems to have only caused
him more isolation. You think gay people are marginalized by
society, transgender is really on the fringe. Even alot of gay people
don't understand them. He sure hasn't gotten much sympathy from
lesbians, although he considers himself one.
My own response would be...play the hand you've been dealt.
You are not, IMO a woman because you have surgery, hormones,
etc. you are a man trying to approximate a woman, and vice versa.
That's just how I see it, and again, I have nothing against people
doing this. I just don't really agree with the results. And I consider
it extremely dishonest for transgenders to pass themselves off
as their new gender secretly.
In the case of my friend, it was his call, and he is still my friend..
....I guess all I'm saying is that there are probaby those who say it
was worth it, and others who would say it was not.

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