This was one for  that VP (virtual pub) moment



If a man has a sex change to become a woman so that he/she can have a
relationship with a lesbian woman what does that make him/her????

I KNOW THIS WOMAN.......... she was a very good male friend of mine for
years and at the age of 48 (but not to my surprise) took the plunge to have
her gender dysmorphia (correct name for those who have transgenderism)
corrected. Petite (married three times and with three children) she took the
plunge to end the years of cross dressing and secret longing. Brave Brave
Brave person.

She is very very happy (despite all she had to give up... family, many
friends, her children's love and her parent's love) but has discovered that
she is for the main part lesbian and has developed a relationship with
another woman. She recently... to quieten her curiosity about "what male to
female sex was like and to test drive the new bits" had a bit of a fling
with a guy and pronounced it "not her cup of tea...... and to think darling
I used to do that to my wives and girlfriends".....

She did not have gender re-assignment to become lesbian but discovered her
true sexuality once the " evidence of natures cruel travesty" was removed.
When she was a man she and I talked like best girly friends about all sorts
of things, including his/her siutation (trapped in wrong body). WE had lost
touch for a few years and I had missed "him" . A year ago she got in touch
and we met and she walked by me twice before I recognised her as all she had
said was "I have a surprise for you" ...

Anyway to answer your question Ron.... It makes them wonderful warm and
valuable people whose sexuality is not of the slightest matter in this


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