Chris (who did not piss me off ; ) ), 

 I don't know many details, but found out that Luciana
Souza (who's latest album is on my best for 2002 list)
is in the line-up!  

 So I did a search to see if I could find anyone else
and came up with: 
David Krakauer
Mingus Big Band
Greg Osby

Is anyone familiar with these artists?

For an idea about what a wall to wall concert is like
here's a link to a review of the Miles Davis wall to

I'm thinking of going down to NYC myself!
--- Christopher Treacy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> While I was away on vacation 2 weeks ago somebody
> posted about an event at
> Symphony Space in New York in late March entitled
> "Wall To Wall Joni Mitchell"
> - it's free, and begins at 11am.
> I'm just wondering if anyone knows exactly what the
> event IS; the link that
> was in the original post leads to a rather cryptic
> description, and I'm
> thinking of taking a (very) early morning bus down
> to NYC for it. Before I get
> my ass up at the crack of dawn and ride on a nasty
> bus for 4 hours, I'd like
> to know a little more about what I can expect. Is it
> just a really long
> tribute show??
> Any ideas gang?
> -Chris, unable to voice his opinion on the JMDL
> without seemingly pissing
> people off.
> NP: Bjork, Venus As A Boy
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