In a message dated 1/28/2003 12:21:59 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> For an idea about what a wall to wall concert is like
> here's a link to a review of the Miles Davis wall to
> wall:

My take on it is that the 'wall to wall' concept tries to be as multi-media as it can 
be given the subject...I studied last year's schedule for the Richard Rodgers trib and 
it was part symphonic music, part spoken word, part film and mostly songs...the 
schedules for past events are pretty easily found once you're on the web site.

I'm planning on being there - if it's nothing more than a 12-hour tribute concert, 
that's fine with me. Anything else will be gravy, and who knows - Joni gets to NYC 
from time to time and may show up.


NP: Kevin Gilbert, "From Here to There"

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