hi Chris,
I wasnt going to get myself in the middle of this but I am intrigued by your final 
sentence in this post in which you wrote:
<<<-Chris, unable to voice his opinion on the JMDL without seemingly pissing
people off>>

for what it's worth, I wasnt "pissed off" as much as surprised by what I perceived as 
anger toward those of us on the NJC part of the list. whose mail includes NJC 

While I understand that there is a definitive category/split between those folks who 
wish to read "Joni only", for whatever reason, there are sometimes slips of the finger 
and a mail which is non-Joni related makes its way over to the Joni onlies.

 I feel that sometimes it happens because many of the people who write openly on the 
list are coming from a place of passion, sometimes heated emotions, and before they 
know it..they've forgotten the NJC tag. Im not really sure I understand all the anger 
that comes our way as a result Chris and I dont mean just you...this comes from others 
as well. Everyone tries their best, truly their do. I believe that. 

we are here for a reason, to discuss the life , music and art and everything else 
related to Joni MItchell. What I see happening is that sometimes it is not so easy to 
compartmentalize, that sometimes, when someone starts to dig into Joni and her music, 
the life and experience of that particular writer begins to bleed through the cracks . 
Sometimes it is difficult to keep things separate. Joni has in fact affected the lives 
of so many of us here. Ive seen and heard countless testimonies to that. 

I dont want to walk on egg shells here Chris. I dont want to worry about what I write 
or be afraid to write something for fear offending the Joni onlies every time I post. 
Respectfully,  I understand the "need" for a reminder when someone forgets, however, 
when inappropriate anger is thrashed out,  I just take a step or two back and feel 
reluctant to post anything . I dont think that's the way this is meant to work. Some 
people have a tendancy to share what resides in their hearts and what is going on in 
their lives with people on the list that they have grown to love and trust because 
they've shared some of the more intimate details of their life. 

This is by no means an attack on you personally Chris. Far from it. I am merely 
expressing some of my thoughts. 

On another note, I dont want to see the list separated further than it is either, as 
Patrick Leader and Lieve both said...this is why we/re here. It's not some sterile 
space where we are only allowed to say the JM word and that's it. My love for Joni 
Mitchell is a part of my life and as corny as this may sound, she did affect my life 
in many ways, in particular, during very difficult times when my life ran parallel to 
hers. Should I not talk about that because it is too personal? Is does have everything 
to do with Joni Mitchell afterall. For some , she is a life saver, she has been the 
only thing that kept some of us on track in the most difficult times. This is but one 
example of what Im getting at. Life is intertwined, not stacked up into little boxes. 

If there is something I am not interested in reading, I merely use my delete key and 
move on. 

Chris, I realize this method might not work for you. I respect the fact that you are 
on the Joni only list and while I may not know the reasons why, it is your choice, 
which again, I respect. I ask you this, please respect those of us who do want to move 
into the worlds beyond the JM word which have brought many of us so much closer than 
we ever dreamed possible. 


I found a quote that a friend sent to me, sorry I dont know the source but I thought 
it was most appropriate .....

No tree is so foolish that its branches fight amongst themselves.

with respect and in peace,



You open my heart, you do. 
Yes you do.
     - JM
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