This is the most frightening thing I have heard in a long time, Kakki. Can
one be legally executed for having such emails, or merely fired? Is gay
content considered grounds for dismissal?


Kakki said:

This issue has come up before a few times.  Here is what I haven't seen
addressed this go around (but it has been addressed in the past here) - a
number of people who subscribed to the list do so through their work email.
I don't know about other countries, but it is fairly standard practice in
the U.S. for employers to monitor employee email accounts.  You can debate
whether that is fair or not until the cows come home - I don't like it, but
on the other hand, company email legally is considered official company
property and correspondence and can be subpoened in lawsuits.  I don't know
about the latest email filtering devices, but in the past, when a subpoena
is issued for email, the company usually has to hand over the entire back-up
tape, or else go through weeks of labor and great expense to print out and
sort through 1000s of emails to find the responsive ones.  Companies
regularly employ certain software to screen through the email to find sexual
or other content.  This happened at my old law firm.  They did a surprise
run through and captured all email that had certain keywords in it.  I don't
subscribe from work but someone had sent me an email there titled "Joni
Photos" of some concert pics and that one was captured!  Think if your
company has been hit with a sexual harassment suit (which according to all
the sensitivity training mandatory at many companies) can include ANYTHING
in the workplace that mentions sex. They subpoena the emails and find a load
of incoming that has sexual content.  No matter what the context or
circumstance, a sharp plaintiff lawyer may use those emails as proof that
the company is not being vigilant about keeping it out of the work place.
Maybe there are others on the list who work for government agencies, or the
FBI or the White House - ya never know.  Many of the political posts, if
screened, (which in government and government contractor firms they surely
are) could put those listmembers in an awkward position.  So, you can say,
well, don't subscribe from work or maybe those people will say it's best to
subscribe to JC-only to avoid any potentially problematic email in the work
account inbox.

I'm just trying to show another valid reason why some people have a problem
with certain content.  It's not neccesarily because they don't like the
content or just like to gripe.

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