Catherine wrote:

> Same thing with telling someone they
> looked good today - is it sexual harassment? Are you
> implying that I don't *always* look good? Are you
> giving me special treatment because I'm *different*
> somehow? Does that make you a racist/sexist/whatever?
> Are you implying that everyone else looks like crap?
> What's the hidden agenda?

Hmm, sounds like the training manual must have been from the same source ;-)
What do you think of all this?  I think it's really kind of nuts.  All I've
seen it do is give more opportunistic people a chance to make some quick
money off a company.  After our training, some people were just looking
under rocks to catch something to be offended about and perhaps make a
claim.  We had a young guy and woman in the office who became a couple for
two years.  They openly held hands and hugged each other in the office and
lived together for a time.  He started cheating on her and wanted to dump
her and then had the audacity to try to lodge a sexual harassment complaint
against her.  He did not succeed, but geez.  Another guy wanted to lodge a
complaint against an woman employee because she referred to an Asian friend
of her daughter as "oriental" in his presence.  Yes, it is the wrong term to
use, but a person from an older generation doesn't always know better and
certainly does not have ill intent in using the wrong terminology.  I think
people should be sensitive but some of this stuff is crazy.


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