Hi David, you wrote:

> This is the most frightening thing I have heard in a long time, Kakki. Can
> one be legally executed for having such emails, or merely fired? Is gay
> content considered grounds for dismissal?

It is kind of frightening, but I think the law across the U.S. for awhile
now has upheld the employer's right to read and monitor employee email and
also to fire an employee if they break the rules.  My former law firm was
very liberal politically (believe me, the three Republicans who worked there
were deeply closeted ;-) yet wanted to protect themselves from any liability
arising from email on their network.  They warned everyone several times
that the email could be monitored at anytime before they started doing it.
They also had employment discrimination (sex, religious, ethnic) sensitivity
training which was mandatory for all employees to attend on an annual basis.
Their bottom line policy was that no one should speak or write about
anything or place any kind of book or photo on their desk that could be
construed as harrasing or offensive and it was best not to bring up a
subject at all. Literally, we were told it was a risk to, for example, ask
someone innocently if they were Irish or Jewish or discuss religion in front
of them or flatter them on their appearance or talk about sex.  I think it
is sad that we have become such a fascist society in this respect, but that
has been the trend for awhile now.  Perhaps the trend of the laws in
California particularly have led to this hyperalertness - I don't know. I
know the firm did have a number of harassment/discrimination complaints from
employees that would blow reasonable people's minds.  What was even scarier
to me was to learn that the law had evolved to where ALL email could be
subpoened en masse without editing!


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