Lori asked:

> Which of you tech-savvy types knows whether email that is simply sent
> or received via an employer-owned computer (but not via an employer-
> provided account), particularly a networked computer, can be
> monitored/read?

I have been wondering the same thing.  At the last two places I've worked,
they banned having or accessing outside email accounts from the work
computer.  I forget some of their reasoning at this point, however.  One of
the reasons was what they thought there was a greater risk of receiving
viral-infected downloads and spam from outside accounts. I can't see how
reading hotmail off the internet could be written in stone on the company's
system somewhere, but I guess the record of accessing the hotmail account,
for instance, would be there - possibly leading to another subpoena for the
hotmail email, but probably not neccessarily being as much of a direct
liability problem.


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